Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Here Are A Couple Of Musical Halloween Videos
Hope You All Have A Spooktacular Halloween.

This is Bobby "Boris" Pickett, doing the song that he originated.
This 2006 performance was his last before he passed away.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Next Wave

And they said that there would never be
another phenomenon like The Beatles.

My friends, welcome to Detektivbyranamania!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hello From Niagara Falls, Ontario

The quartet and wives arrived here about 1:30 yesterday(Wed.) and we moved into our home until Friday, The Embassy Suites. We all have suites that overlook both the American and Canadian Falls. Both of the picture above were taken through our room window. Inside, the rooms have a nice sitting room area, two TVs and a whirlpool tub. There is no cable car running over this whirlpool. That's only for the one in the river.

Today, we all walked along the river to view the falls. Then Jim and Marianne took the Behind The Falls tour while the rest of us rode the Maid of the Mist to near the base of the Horseshoe (Canadian) Falls. We have all come back to the hotel now to rest.

Tonight we are going to the Niagara Fallsview Casino. First for the buffet and later a show. After that there will probably be gambling. The temps have been in the low 50's with lots of sun, so for late in October, it's not bad at all.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Canine Politics

John McCain has seven houses but has never owned a Shih Tzu.

John McCain wants to double the import tax on Chinese dogs.

Sarah Palin thinks that Shih Tzu is a type of martial arts.

Ask yourself, are you better off now than you were 28 dog years ago?

Listen to McCain's speeches. He wants us to believe that he is in favor of change. What he really is call
ing for is CHAINS!

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Chains!!

Vote Obama-Biden

I'm Wickett Halter and I Approve This Message.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

High School Football

Sometimes, the most fun comes from activities that you don't plan for in advance. That happened to me last night. Sue and I had gone out to dinner and then we shopped for groceries. I had no plans for the evening but I had read in the paper that Kent Roosevelt was playing at home. I hadn't been to a game for two years or more. Sue wasn't interested in going so I just walked over to the stadium(10 minutes). Since I meet the requirements to be a senior citizen, my ticket was only $3.00.

It was a pleasantly chilly evening and I was dressed for colder weather, so I didn't mind being outdoors for a couple of hours. It turned out that it was Homecoming so I got to see all the ceremonies related to that. It was also the last home game of the year and that means that I also got to see the traditional Script Kent after the game was over. The band does this in the dark with light sticks on their ankles and flashlights inside the tuba bells. Similar to OSU's dotting the "I", the tubas finish off the performance by crossing the "T". It was fun to see this again. We always enjoyed it when Mike and Kris were in the band. Of course, I had a hot dog and a Coke to support the band boosters.

By the way, Roosevelt won the game by a score of 35-7, over Crestwood. That gives them a 7-2 record. They are undefeated in the conference and appear to be headed for the playoffs later this month.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Great Moments In Debate History

Everything Old Is New Again.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Browns 35 Giants 14

There are still many games to play, but last night's win on Monday Night Football was certainly a highlight of the Browns' season so far. 2-3 somehow seems so much better than 1-4. As a Brown's fan, I'm not as rabid as I was in my younger days, but I watch the games most of the time. The outlook seems more positive now, so maybe the playoffs are not out of the question after all. I'm still rooting for the Bengals too (except when they play the Browns). I predict that they will not go 0-16.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Things Are Lookin' Up

Did you see that the Dow only went down 128 points today? I think that I can hear strains of " Happy Days Are Here Again" in the distance. Thank goodness that I put most of my retirement money in a world-wide stable of Ricky Nelson impersonators. Some things never decrease in value. If only I had $60 billion to work with like Warren Buffett. You can bet that he is buying stuff on a large scale.

On another train of thought, we have been watching HGTV this afternoon and seeing people who have purchased houses that have all this neat history associated with them. We bought our house from the former hockey coach at Kent State. ( They are playing the University of Illinois today and tomorrow, Go Flashes) Other than a few duffel bags and a varsity jacket from The University of Chicago, we haven't found too much here of a historical nature. There have been a couple occasions, however, when I woke up in the middle of the night and thought I could hear a faint voice yelling, "Hit Somebody!!".

I want to give a "shoutout" to son, Mike. He has been at home for the past couple of days recuperating from a bout with cellulitis. A series of four spider bites caused a skin infection. This is a very serious problem, especially if not taken care of quickly. My brother had something similar, when he was about 19, from one spider bite on his arm. He woke up with a swollen arm and a bright red line running up the arm. Mike got it under control in good time and, happily, seems to be well on his way back to good health.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bill Over The Years

I have been corrupted by Kris. She made me aware of Yearbook Yourself and now look at what has happened. Click on the picture below to see the whole parade of "Bills".
Note: Gray beards were very common for high school boys in Malvern.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We Have Exercised Our Franchise

Sue and I both have cast our ballots for the 2008 Presidential election and all other state and local issues. Since Ohio allowed people to vote early, starting on Sept. 30th and we had time to spare, we motored over to the courthouse in Ravenna and did our patriotic duty. So now, if anyone tries to talk politics with us, we will just say, " You can talk all you want, but it won't change my vote."

We urge everyone to register and vote for the candidates and issues of their choice. Remember, we get the government that we deserve. Choose wisely.