Monday, February 15, 2010

That Sue Is A Crafty One

Sue has been going to craft making sessions down at the rec hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She is not one to brag, but I convinced her to let me show you what she has been working on.

1) The first project was a pair of earrings.

2) The next project was a knit hat suitable for Ohio winters.

3.) Next, the art of Oragami, particularly the "iris" technique, was used to produce these two greeting cards.

4) Project number four was a "microwave hottie". You put this under a container that you are heating in the microwave. When it's time to remove the item, you just grab the ends of the hottie and lift it out. No need to resort to those dangerous individual hot pads.

5) The current project, which is not finished yet, is a casserole carrier basket.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Naples Cars

The area around Naples, FL has some very upscale, expensive real estate, to say the least. It not hard to notice a high percentage of Lexus, Cadillac, BMW, Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz, etc. logos on the highway.

A couple of weeks ago, Sue and I went out to dinner at Mel's Diner, a popular eating place in southwest Florida. As we were walking from the parking lot, I noticed a car that looked very much like the one in the picture above. An elderly couple, no doubt in their 80's, were exiting the restaurant. Both walked slowly and the husband was helping his wife negotiate the sidewalk.

To my mild surprise, the lights on the Ferrari flashed and the gentleman helped his wife into the passenger side of the car and then got in himself and they drove away. Don't get me wrong. I think that this was really cool. It's just that it is not something that you would see everyday.

Get My Drift?

Having a lot of snow is not all bad. Be creative.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How'd He Do That?

If I was in Las Vegas, or anywhere else for that matter, and this guy wanted me to play cards with him, I would run away quickly.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Little Barbershopper Antenna Guy, We Hardly Knew Ye

I am saddened to announce the unexpected demise of my little barbershopper antenna guy. He was a gift from Kris and had ridden proudly on the tip of the Elantra's radio antenna for the past couple of years.

Last Sunday, we drove the car through a car wash at the gas station and when we got home, he was gone. I don't think that he suffered. As you can tell in the picture, he had gone downhill a bit, so I guess it was his time.

I'll miss seeing his little faded yellow head in the rear view camera, hanging on for dear life as we tow the car down the highway.