Monday, March 30, 2009

Barbershop On Fox

Here is a video of The Akron Derbytown Chorus, the one that Mike and I belong to, closing the morning show on Fox 8 in Cleveland today. They did this song and four other 60 minute bits. One of the minute segments featured Mike's quartet, The Summit Chordsmen. Since I don't have the Star Wars hologram technology, I couldn't participate from Florida. Bummer!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sue

Yesterday was Sue's birthday. Naturally, we had a big day planned. After our typical late breakfast at home and watching Days Of Our Lives, we started on our adventure. First on the agenda was a stop at Camping World to replenish our supply of RV-friendly bathroom tissue. Ok, it's not that exciting, but necessary. Then we went on to Castle Golf, a medieval-themed mini-golf course. Sue had expressed a desire to play here and we had coupons. The golf was fun, the weather was warm, but pleasant and we had a good time. (I won, but who's counting?)

Then it was on to our favorite Mexican restaurant in Fort Myers, Iguana Mia. The birthday girl got her meal for free, plus an ice-cream dessert to share, complete with candle. Of course, like last year, she had to wear The Sombrero Of Humiliation and have her picture taken. You can see it by checking Juan's Birthday Gallery at Just set the location to Fort Myers and use 3/26 for the date.

It was a fun day, and Sue said that she really didn't feel any older. Last year, I put some information on my blog about how old Sue was when we got married and how many years that we had been married and asked people to do the math. The wounds have healed now so I won't make that mistake again.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bracket Update

This will be the last basketball post, at least until Thursday.

The current standings in my little self-defined part of the ESPN Bracket Challenge are as follows:

Bill Halter, retiree and traveler
Dwyane Wade, NBA player, Miami Heat
Mike Halter, wannabe lounge singer 510
Barack Obama, POTUS 470
Samuel L. Jackson, actor,

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm Coming For You, Mr. Wade!

NCAA Tournament Update

After day 1 of round two in the ESPN Sportscenter Bracket Challenge, my score stands at 390. My chances for the $10,000 top prize are nil, but I do have my own private competition.

Dwyane Wade, NBA player, Miami 400
Bill Halter, retiree and traveler 390
Samuel L. Jackson, actor 360
Barack Obama, POTUS 350

If you have entered the challenge and would like your score posted, just leave a comment with your name, occupation and score.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Good Old Days

Daughter Kris has been visiting a website called How To Cook Like Your Grandmother. She made some "from scratch" crackers that were, from all reports, delicious.

I have found a similar site called How To Cook Like Your 5x Great Grandmother. See below

Monday, March 16, 2009

Shuttle Launch

Even though I didn't have my camera with me, we had a great view of the shuttle launch last Sunday. This picture was taken by a resident of Bonita Springs. which is about 30 miles south of where we are. (roughly 200 miles from the launch site). It represents what we saw pretty well. We were able to identify the separation of the two boosters and the external fuel tank by changes in the plume. We could actually follow the flame as a tiny yellow spot until it got below the horizon.

They're Alive!

The Kent State Golden Flashes should temporarily call themselves The Phoenix, because they have risen from the ashes. They didn't qualify for the NCAA tournament and were not included in the NIT. But wait folks, there's more. This year, we have the tournament and Kent plays at Oakland(Rochester, MI) tomorrow at 7:00pm. Another chance to get that 20th win for the 11th straight season. Good luck.

Some of the games in this new competition will be televised by Fox Sports. Money makes the world go around. Maybe eventually, March madness will become the college version of the old Indiana high school system (Hoosiers) and all 347 Division I teams will get in and play until only one is left. H & R Block can start a side business doing brackets.

At least one state, West Virginia, still has that old system where the little schools and the big schools do battle for the state high school trophy.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Square Dancing By The Dashboard Light

This morning, as I do on MWF, I stopped at the exercise room during my morning walk. I do a few reps in different directions with some free weights. Just to remind my arm and back muscles that I still need them. On the other side of the wall, there was a square dancing class.

The music b
ackground that the caller was using sounded familiar and after listening a little longer, I recognized "Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad", by Meat Loaf. I took this as a sign of how the Baby Boomer generation(Sue and Bill included) are beginning to infiltrate the retired and "snow bird" populations of Florida. I'm not sure that, when he released that song, Mr. Loaf had square dancing in mind. I see this kind of thing as a positive note, showing that different generations can get along.

I've heard a rumor that there are 3 episodes of The Lawrence Welk Show that were recorded in 1974 that are perfectly synchronized to Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side Of The Moon" album. I can believe it. I always thought that Larry was a lot more hip than people gave him credit for. With the outfits that they wore on those shows, when they did the big production numbers with singers, dancers and the band in the back, how could you not flash on the Sgt. Pepper cover?

Peace Out!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Not All Fun And Games

Spending the winters in a place like Florida is not always easy. You have to make adjustments.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Manny's OK

In case you were worried about ex-Indian, ex-Red Sox, current Dodger player, Manny Ramirez, relax. Manny just signed a two-year, $45 million contract. That should get him through these tough economic times. And in case Manny gets tired of eating Dodger Dogs, he can bail on the contract after one year and still walk away with $25 million.

In a related story, there is apparently no truth to the rumor that the Octomom and Ramirez are negotiating a deal that would allow Manny to "grow" his own baseball team.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pot of ????

When things look bleak, remember
that the rainbow has another end.