Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Is A'Comin'

Sue and I are looking forward to having family members come to our house for Thanksgiving. Sue's dad, Howard, will be arriving on Wednesday afternoon and Kris and Mark will be driving up from Cincinnati later that evening.

On Thanksgiving Day, Mike and Kim will make the long drive from their house and with them will be Kim's parents Vern and Marian, who are coming up from Springfield.

That will make a total of nine people for dinner, which is a larger than usual number for us. It will be more like some of our Thanksgivings when the kids were young. Can't wait. Sammy and Zep are coming with Kris and Mark, so Wickett will have company too. We plan to have an adult table, a kid table and a dog table.

Kris and Mark are bringing a fresh, free-range turkey . I'm hoping that it doesn't walk in the front door with them. Although, many of the Thanksgiving turkeys that were featured for dinner on the farm were crossed off the list of living creatures by my Dad. I was around to watch, but I never was actually the perp. If a live turkey comes from Cincinnati, it will become free range again in the back yard and we will head for Cracker Barrel. That's the same backup plan that I have in case Zeppy eats the turkey.

Mike and Kim are bringing pies, which I can handle with no problem at all.

Here's a little Thanksgiving music to help get you in the proper frame of mind.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Battle of Insect Mascots

It would be interesting to see an inter-state high school football game between the Fighting Green Hornets of Malvern, OH and the Kimberly Papermakers of Kimberly, WI. The mascots are a green hornet and a papermaker wasp, respectively. It almost looks like they could be related. The hornet looks more ripped. And wasp, what's up with that hat?

Update: Malvern lost to Grove City Christian on 11/21, by a score of 20-8. The Hornets fumbled 4 times (lost 3) and had two interceptions. Grove City scored three touchdowns in the second period, all set up by Malvern turnovers. To give credit where it is due, Grove City caused those fumbles and interceptions and only allowed one touchdown.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

You Have Not Chosen Wisely, Grasshopper

Today is the release day for Sarah Palin's book, "Going Rogue: An American Life". Before she picked that title, maybe she should have looked up the definition of the word "rogue". Here's what Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary says:

Main Entry: 1rogue
Pronunciation: \ˈrōg\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1561
1 : vagrant, tramp
2 : a
dishonest or worthless person : scoundrel
3 : a mischievous person : scamp
4 : a horse inclined to shirk or misbehave
5 : an individual exhibiting a chance and usually inferior biological variation

As one WKYC reporter suggested, maybe she meant "Going Rouge".

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hornets Keep Rollin'

Last night, the Malvern Hornets football team earned the right to play in the Division VI regional final for the second year in a row by beating Bridgeport 31-9. In 2008, the Hornets won the regional and lost in the state semi-final. Maybe this year they will bring home a state title. The next game is in Zanesville against Grove City Christian. The Massey Ratings predict a Malvern victory, but they still have to play the game.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sha Na Na and Sha Na NOT

I was/am a big fan of Sha Na Na. Their over-the-top doo wop act is still fun to watch. Here is, in my opinion, a great example of their talent followed by a serious error in judgment.

Clear Choice Sings To Help Animals

The Humane Society of Greater Akron (Summit County) held a telethon yesterday afternoon. It raised money to help them keep doing all the good work that they do for dogs and cats in this area.

Several weeks ago, they asked our quartet to go to a studio in Cuyahoga Falls and record three songs for use during the telethon. The telethon ran from 2-5 and our portion aired just before 3:00. Our lead, Ray, went over to Canal Park (that's where they were broadcasting from) and did a live 30 sec. interview/intro before they rolled the tape.

Sue and I haven't seen it yet. This was on the Northeast Ohio News channel (NEON). That is one of Time-Warner cable's own channels so it's not available on DirecTV. The recording studi
o is supplying us with five DVDs and I think that somebody may have recorded it.

Anyway, it was one of our charity activities and certainly a worthwhile cause. And as always, any TV exposure is a good thing for getting our name out there.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cy Young, Sigh

The Sabathia and Lee trades?

Don't Get Me Started!

Song Of The Day

I'll bet that you'll be humming this for the rest of the week, at least.

P.S. Mike, we should do this at chorus practice sometime soon.