Monday, January 31, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Clear Choice at Cleveland Browns' Stadium

Here we are singing The Star Spangled Banner at Family Days at Browns' Stadium last summer. There were all kinds of activities and concessions for people and then the team played a four quarter scrimmage. Dan Nichols was unavailable that day, so Mike filled in well for him on the tenor part. It was fun to get to sing at this location with my son.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Animals is the craziest peoples

I don't know how to introduce this video, so I'll just say that I hope that you laugh as much as I did.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rainbow Revisited

I posted this video on Facebook last night, but for any followers of this blog who missed it, or are not on FB, here it is again. We saw it when we stopped to pick up some RV supplies at Camping World, south of Fort Myers yesterday. It was even more amazing in person, but the only camera I had was my phone. I think that my video camera might have captured the colors better.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Afternoon Of Art

In January and March of each year, the city of Bonita Springs hosts artists from all over the country at the Bonita Springs Art Festival. We went last March and enjoyed it so much that we decided to go back again this afternoon.

We spent a couple of hours admiring the work of over 200 very talented people.

Here is a slideshow of just a few of the things that we saw. Warning, not all of the people in the pictures are real. See if you can tell which ones are actually "art".

Friday, January 7, 2011

Vacations Can't Be Fun All The Time

Jimmy Malone, one of the hosts on the WMJI morning radio talk show in Cleveland, often says that the most dangerous people for a kid are his/her parents. In this case, he may have a point.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Trevor Hits A Triple To Win The Game in California

This video, courtesy of Marietta University, shows my brother's son, Trevor, hitting the game winner last week against The University of La Verne in southern California (he's #3 in the dark uniform). Since then, Marietta has won another game, has a record of 13-0 and is ranked 24th in the nation in D3. All of this with a team that has no seniors on the roster. They might be good next year too.

Christmas in Alsace

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Cav's Employee

ESPN is reporting that the Cleveland Cavaliers have hired this gentleman, Ted Williams, giving him a 2-yr contract and agreeing to pay his mortgage. I have to say that anyone who can speak like this should be given a chance to use his talent and try to turn his life around. If it doesn't work out with the Cavs, any barbershop quartet that is searching for a bass would certainly be interested in him.

I guess the next question is " Can he learn the "Princeton offense"?

Wickett's Florida Haircut

We took Wickett to PetSmart last Monday for a bath, haircut, toenail trim, teeth brushing and all around grooming. It made quite a difference in his appearance, as the two pictures below will show. This shorter trim is much better for the warmer weather down here.

