Saturday, October 18, 2008

High School Football

Sometimes, the most fun comes from activities that you don't plan for in advance. That happened to me last night. Sue and I had gone out to dinner and then we shopped for groceries. I had no plans for the evening but I had read in the paper that Kent Roosevelt was playing at home. I hadn't been to a game for two years or more. Sue wasn't interested in going so I just walked over to the stadium(10 minutes). Since I meet the requirements to be a senior citizen, my ticket was only $3.00.

It was a pleasantly chilly evening and I was dressed for colder weather, so I didn't mind being outdoors for a couple of hours. It turned out that it was Homecoming so I got to see all the ceremonies related to that. It was also the last home game of the year and that means that I also got to see the traditional Script Kent after the game was over. The band does this in the dark with light sticks on their ankles and flashlights inside the tuba bells. Similar to OSU's dotting the "I", the tubas finish off the performance by crossing the "T". It was fun to see this again. We always enjoyed it when Mike and Kris were in the band. Of course, I had a hot dog and a Coke to support the band boosters.

By the way, Roosevelt won the game by a score of 35-7, over Crestwood. That gives them a 7-2 record. They are undefeated in the conference and appear to be headed for the playoffs later this month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA...we beat Crustweed!!!

That does sound like a fun Fall event. I always loved Script Kent in the Dark...we were so cool!!!
