Friday, October 10, 2008

Things Are Lookin' Up

Did you see that the Dow only went down 128 points today? I think that I can hear strains of " Happy Days Are Here Again" in the distance. Thank goodness that I put most of my retirement money in a world-wide stable of Ricky Nelson impersonators. Some things never decrease in value. If only I had $60 billion to work with like Warren Buffett. You can bet that he is buying stuff on a large scale.

On another train of thought, we have been watching HGTV this afternoon and seeing people who have purchased houses that have all this neat history associated with them. We bought our house from the former hockey coach at Kent State. ( They are playing the University of Illinois today and tomorrow, Go Flashes) Other than a few duffel bags and a varsity jacket from The University of Chicago, we haven't found too much here of a historical nature. There have been a couple occasions, however, when I woke up in the middle of the night and thought I could hear a faint voice yelling, "Hit Somebody!!".

I want to give a "shoutout" to son, Mike. He has been at home for the past couple of days recuperating from a bout with cellulitis. A series of four spider bites caused a skin infection. This is a very serious problem, especially if not taken care of quickly. My brother had something similar, when he was about 19, from one spider bite on his arm. He woke up with a swollen arm and a bright red line running up the arm. Mike got it under control in good time and, happily, seems to be well on his way back to good health.

1 comment:

Mike said...

If we're heading into another Great Depression, invest heavily in fedoras and witty comedies starring Katherine Hepburn. They both did pretty well last time around.

I'm feeling *much* better. The swelling and the pain are almost entirely gone. I can walk around the apartment pretty much like normal, although I haven't been pushing it too much. Besides, it's college football Saturday. I'd be plastered to the couch even if I were 100% healthy.