Monday, April 27, 2009

Browns 2009

Well, the NFL draft has ended, and the Browns have made their picks. It appears that they have selected a fine group of players. Ultimately, the success or failure of the team will depend on whether or not they can overcome


Thursday, April 23, 2009


Wickett and I have declared war on moles. There was some evidence of the little critters over the past two summers, but this year it appears to have moved to a new level. We don't have a definite plan of action yet, but we're working on it. We shouldn't have any trouble catching them because they are not very fleet of foot. You know the old saying, "Slow as mole asses....."

Monday, April 20, 2009


I don't really rant much any more, and this really isn't one, but I had to share the dining adventure that myself, Sue, Kim and Mike had last night.

We decided to go to BW3(I don't think that this is the actual name anymore, but I'm old and set in my ways) in Kent for dinner. A favorite place of ours for years. Surprisingly, it was really crowded, especially for a Sunday night. We placed our order, got some trivia modules and played NTN Trivia while we waited for our food. (and waited and waited). After almost an hour, and the guy who ordered before us had his food, I went to the counter and asked about our food. After some discussion in the kitchen, it was announced that, due to a slight miscommunication, our food had been given to someone else. AAAAAAAAH!

They offered to (A) take off the charge(DUH!) and (B) give us our food anyway. We took (A) but declined (B). We walked down the street to Ray's Place, a long-time Kent eatery, famous for their spaghetti, among other items.

Well, it turns out that Ray's Place was out of spaghetti. Shoulda guessed. All worked out though. Mike had a burger and the rest of us had lasagna.

For years, I avoided the Pufferbelly restaurant in Kent because they had one of my friends' car towed when she parked in their lot to go to BW3 across the street. (and she had to pay over $100 to get the car back). At least for now, Pufferbelly has to take a back seat to BW3.

And today is a new day. End of discussion.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Visiting With Kris and Mark

Gmail - Images in "Pics from today"

The pictures(click above)show some of our activities over the Easter weekend when we visited with Kris, Mark and Mark's parents.(and of course Sammy, Chin-Chin and Canute) The locations are Krohn's Conservatory and The American Sign Museum. We had a great time and want to thank Kris and Mark for their hospitality. Watch future blogs for clips of ROADHOG-LIVE!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Journey Home, Days 4,5 and 6

We traveled from Corbin, KY to Cincinnati today. We got here about 2:00. There was a small amount of rain at times, but never enough to be a problem.

We are settled in at our site at the Family Motor Coach Association headquarters. Since we are members, we can stay here for free(we pay dues, so free is a relative term). It's a nice location, and it works out well for us because it's not far from where Kris and Mark live.

I have included pictures of our site and the surrounding area. Most of the sites have full hook-ups. It's well lighted and the police drive through on a regular schedule, just to check on things.

We will be here over the Easter weekend and then head for Kent on Monday.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Journey Home, Day 3

We are safely encamped at the KOA in Corbin, KY. No problems today other than the up and down through the mountains. We passed up another opportumity to see Rock City and Ruby Falls. That's ok because, (1) Mark and Roadhog will turn Cincinnati into Rock City on Saturday night, and (2) I saw a guy fall in Ruby Tuesday once, so that's almost the same thing. Here are pics of our temporary Kentucky home and Wickett in the fenced-in dog play area.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Journey Home, Day 2

We are settled in at Atlanta South RV Resort in McDonough, GA. As you can tell by the name of the place, it's about 20 miles south of Atlanta. The only problem that we had today involved getting back on I-75. They were doing major construction at our interchange. Only one line of traffic can go at one time. Those entering, exiting or just passing by in either direction have to take turns. They had so many traffic cones and trucks parked around that we couldn't fit through the small gap that they had for the entrance ramp to I-75 North. So we had to go down the road about a quarter mile, turn around and then when we got to the ramp, we went into a gas station across the street and looped around so that we could hit the entrance head on. It's not easy being 50 feet long.

The rest of the trip was uneventful, except for the fact that we saw an armadillo (dead) on the side of the road. A couple of years ago, when we spent the winter near San Antonio, TX, we looked for the little critters for three months and never saw one.

Tomorrow we move on to a KOA campground in Corbin, KY. From there, we'll only be about 180 miles from Cincinnati. Yee-Haw!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Journey Home, Day 1

We traveled roughly 300 miles today and are spending the night at Kelly's RV Park in White Springs, FL. We crossed the Suwannee River of Stephen Foster fame twice on our way from I-75 to the campground. Our goal is to reach Cincinnati by Friday, spend the Easter weekend with Kris and Mark and then go on to Kent on Monday, 4/13. So far, so good.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Summit Chordsmen

Here is a video of son Mike and the barbershop quartet that he sings with, The Summit Chordsmen. Left to right are Jerry Mason, baritone; Mike Sitter, bass; Jim Heaton, lead; and Mike Halter, tenor. They are singing at the cast party last night (4/3) after the Friday night Derbytown Chorus show. As Lawrence Welk would say,"Very nice 'a' fellas, wonnerful, wonnerful."

Friday, April 3, 2009

Next Year's RV Park

Here is a picture of the site that we will be going to next January. We traveled down to the Bonita Beach area this afternoon to drive around and scope out grocery stores, restaurants, etc. It will be fun to have new locations to explore.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Up On The Roof

I just got down from doing a little Spring cleaning on the top of the bus. Carole King was right. The air up there is fresh and sweet. Unless, of course, you are standing next to the vent pipe from the black water tank. That's a different story.

The top windows on the sun room needed cleaning and they can only be reached easily from the roof. While I was up there, I also did some general cleaning and did some preventive maintenance by adding sealant to potential roof leak locations. We have found that roof leaks are not uncommon in motor homes, but we try to keep them under control. It hasn't been a problem for us lately. Unfortunately, as you bounce over the highway, new ones can show up. We should be in fine shape now for starting the trip home next Tuesday.