Monday, June 22, 2009

Holy Cow!!

I haven't had a blog post since May 31. I feel like such a slacker. But, in my defense, there have been many things going on in my life.

My daughter changed her last name and, in the process, added a son-in-law to my list of relatives. This is all good, but certainly alters the daily routine a bit

My son and his wife have become the Michelangelos of the interior painting world. This is all in preparation for the big move into their new house next weekend. I expect to see giant Purdue and Kent State logos on the ceilings and who knows what else.

We just came back from a four day camping rally with the Cardinal Gulf Streamers. This is the camping club that I have been the president of for the past four years. Sue and I hosted this rally with another couple, so we were very busy.

And a
s usual, there was the barbershop quartet and chorus singing.

I haven't had much time for stray thoughts let alone time to share them on the blog. I will try to get back in the routine now.

1 comment:

ASLTerp said...

Everytime I see the icon you chose to represent Kris and Mark, I crack up.