Monday, August 10, 2009

All He Needs Is Motivation

For some time now, our 13 year old Shih-Tzu, Wickett, has preferred to be carried up the steps when we turn in for the night. He never has come down the steps by himself. That comes in handy when a repairperson comes or something else is going on downstairs that he should stay away from. He tries to get someone to carry him up the back steps onto the deck, but we haven't fallen for that trick yet.

Well, this afternoon, we had a series of nasty thunderstorms pass through with lots of lightning and wind. Usually Wickett finds a corner to hid in when such things happen. Or maybe he goes behind a couch.

Well today, when I went upstairs after the storms had passed, there was the Wickster, reclining in the upstairs hallway outside of Kris' old room. I wish I had his climb on video. Despite his age, he still is pr
etty nimble, so the non-stair climbing is more a case of "It's easier if you carry me", than "I can't really do this". Every once in a while, when we say "Let's go to bed", he'll fly to the foot of the stairs and go up one or two. Then he gets this look on his face like, "Oops, I'm not suppose to do this".

That's a slice of life with Wickett.

1 comment:

ASLTerp said...

I remember a few years ago when you and Sue were gone for the day and Mike and I went over to the house to let Wickett out. You had already been gone for several hours, so Mike and I were expecting a loud and raucous greeting from Wickett at the door. But when we entered the house it was completely silent, which was very odd at the time, although now it's a little easier for us to sneak into the house without Wickett knowing. Mike and I searched the entire first floor, looking in all of the usual Wickett hide-outs: behind the couches, in the corners, in the bathroom, but to no avail. We were getting kind of worried until Mike heard a small noise upstairs. He went up to look and found Wickett hanging out in the bathtub. We wondered what he was doing in there, until we remembered that there had been a thunderstorm earlier in the day, probably soon after you left the house. We were sure that Wickett had been in the bathtub for several hours, waiting for someone to come rescue him.