Monday, August 23, 2010

Update on the Halters in France

It turns out that Jean Claude Halter, who is 58 years old, may be a closer relative than we thought. He tells me that his father was born in 1896 in the village of Schirrhein. Schirrhein is a dual village with Schirrhoffen and that is where the Halters lived who came to Ohio and from whom we are descended. I plan to ask some more questions and give him some info about the Ohio Halters (without being a pest).

On a different note, I think that I may have caused Jean Claude to start playing FarmVille. Yes, I feel guilty. He did not show any connections to FV when I first became his FB friend, but now he is at level 5 and he sent me a mystery gift today. I feel like a drug dealer.

Here is a video posted by Jean Claude on FB. No, it's not porn, despite what it looks like in the picture. It's just rap in French with a rugby theme. I think I understood more of this than I do when I listen to rap in English.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Relatives from France?

Here are some photographs that were posted on FB by my new FB friend Jean Claude Halter, who lives in the same Alsace-Lorraine area that my Halter ancestors left when they came to the U.S. in the 1830's. They were German, but today that region is French. Jean Claude has made a couple of FB comments in German, however most of his posts are in French. Thank goodness for the online translator. The two young men are Brice and Johan. I know that Brice's last name is Halter, but I'm not sure about Johan. It appears that at least some of the French Halters are still in the farming business.

The young man facing forward below is Brice and the one looking back is Johan.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

OK, I Admit That I'm Easily Entertained. Are You?

Original Video of Pug singing "Batman"

Batman TV Theme