Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Spectacular Dunk

Here is a dunk by Heidelberg's Nate Davis last Saturday during their home game against Trine University of Angola, Indiana. I'm sure that this play went just the way the coach drew it up on his clipboard. Unfortunately, Heidelberg lost 86-76.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Cookie Day

After my Dad passed away, I started to make cut-out sugar cookies at Christmas like he did. Mine are never as precise as his, but they usually taste good. I had just about decided to skip the cookie making this year because we have a lot of work to do this week to get ready for the trip south.

That was until Sue and I stopped in to see my Aunt Esther at Stow-Glen Nursing Home where she lives. During our visit, we talked about Christma
s coming soon and Esther was remembering how she used to bake cookies. On the way home I thought to myself, "That woman is going to have some Christmas cookies".

So this afternoon, I made two batches of cookie dough and let it rest in the fridge until tonight. Then I baked and iced 5 dozen Christmas cookies. Tomorrow we will take some of them over to Esther. Hey, I'm not totally unselfish. She's not g
ettin' 'em all.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Few Old Pictures From My Mom's Side Of The Family (The Ebners)

Sue and I went to Malvern today to bring home my Mom's sewing machine. It is old but in good condition and has a nice table that is made to hold a sewing machine. We looked at some other things while we were there and found quite a few old pictures. I photographed a few with my phone and have picked some of them to post here. Mom was good at putting names and other information on the back of pictures. That's good because I would not have known some of these people. Jim and I talked about getting all the old pictures scanned and stored on DVD or something. That's in the future. We want to be sure that we don't lose any of the Ebner history.

My Mom and her brother John (mid-1920's)
(that baby carriage is in her bedroom now and in excellent condition)

My grandparents, William (Bill) and Irene (Rennier) Ebner
(This is how I remember them when I was a kid)

The lady in the wheelchair is Mary Ebner, my 2x great-grandmother.

The lady on the left is Ella Rennier, my Grandma's mother. Her husband is partially visible next to her. I don't recall his first name, but it is written on the back of the photograph. The middle of the three women is Ella's mother, whose married name was Worley.

This is my Grandpa Bill when he was serving in the army during WWI.

Another picture of Mom and Uncle Johnny(ready for church)
Mom was shy as a kid. In many pictures, she is looking down)

Here is a picture that I don't remember seeing before. This is Mabel Rennier, my Grandmother's sister. She became Sister Mary Nora, a nun in the order of The Sisters of Notre Dame. I remember going to visit her many times. She was in Norwalk, OH then later in Canton and in Toledo. Sue drove my Mom to Toledo to attend Sister Mary's funeral. She was a wonderful gardener and quite the comedienne. This picture was taken on my grandparent's wedding day. Aunt Mabel, as my M
om called her, was the Maid of Honor. The other picture shows my grandparents on their wedding day.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tomato Soup 2011

We turned 50 lbs of tomatoes from our garden into 28 pints of tomato soup on Wednesday. Only one pint didn't seal, so we ate that one on Thursday.