Monday, December 19, 2011

Cookie Day

After my Dad passed away, I started to make cut-out sugar cookies at Christmas like he did. Mine are never as precise as his, but they usually taste good. I had just about decided to skip the cookie making this year because we have a lot of work to do this week to get ready for the trip south.

That was until Sue and I stopped in to see my Aunt Esther at Stow-Glen Nursing Home where she lives. During our visit, we talked about Christma
s coming soon and Esther was remembering how she used to bake cookies. On the way home I thought to myself, "That woman is going to have some Christmas cookies".

So this afternoon, I made two batches of cookie dough and let it rest in the fridge until tonight. Then I baked and iced 5 dozen Christmas cookies. Tomorrow we will take some of them over to Esther. Hey, I'm not totally unselfish. She's not g
ettin' 'em all.

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