Thursday, May 31, 2012

Starting The 2012 Garden

This was the day I decided to get the garden planted.  The temperatures have dropped to make it more comfortable to work outside and we are supposed to get some rain for the next two days.  The picture below shows the results of cleaning and roto-tilling the plot.  

Then, Sue and I went to Pettiti's Nursery in Tallmadge and got our flowers and vegetables for this season.  They always have a good selection and, as it turned out, the tomato plants and some of the flowers we wanted had their prices reduced 50%.

We got three hanging baskets, two for the backyard, by the deck and one for the front.  Sue got four small plants for a plant stand that she puts on the deck and a kind of vining, Black-Eyed Susan that should be climbing everywhere soon.  There is also a nice, large pot with a variety of flowers that we place on the front step.

We used to buy other annuals, but over the years, these have been replaced by perrenials like coreopsis, hasta, daylilies, hibiscus, climatis, hydrangia, roses and , of course, mums for the Fall.  We also have a nice bed of wildflowers that came from seeds that we brought back from Texas years ago.

As for the garden, we have 6 Big Beef tomato plants and 6 Big Boy tomato plants.  These are supposed to supply the makings for a couple of batches of soup later this year.

I also planted 2 red pepper plants (mild ) and 2 plants that produce slightly hotter peppers.

By about 7:30 tonight, the garden looked like this.

Now, it's a matter of tender-loving care and sunshine.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Recent Picture Of Douglas

Here is a picture from David and Barbara's visit with the Apex Moomys

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pick-Up Quartet

At barbershop chorus practice, we often have pick-up quartet competitions.  This is where four singers form a group, either by choice or by simply drawing numbers and then pick a song and sing it for the other chorus members.  This video is of a quartet that Mike (tenor) and myself (baritone) formed last Fall, along with Terry Arman (lead) and Mike Hoover (bass).  The song we chose is an old barbershop favorite, "Sweet Roses of Morn".

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Puzzle

See if you can figure out the puzzle below.  My only hint is that creativity works better than mathematics, in this case.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Barbershop Cowboys

On Saturday, May 5, The Derbytown Chorus repeated the show "How The West Was Sung" at the Medina Performing Arts Center.  This was the same basic show that the chorus did in April as the annual performance at Cuyahoga Falls High School auditorium.  Here are a few pictures of the May 5th show.

(click on any picture to make it larger)

This is a video of "I've Got Spurs That Jingle Jangle Jingle".  Among the dancers, Mike is in the front on the right, wearing the black vest and hat.

The square at the lower right of the video screen will enlarge it when you click on it.  The video is a little less focused when it is enlarged, but the sound will still be good.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Then and Now

That picture on the left shows me sometime before my first birthday. The one on the right was taken today.  The chair belonged to my Grandpa Halter and I have it now.  It's still in pretty good shape.  It holds over 250 lbs with no trouble.