Thursday, May 31, 2012

Starting The 2012 Garden

This was the day I decided to get the garden planted.  The temperatures have dropped to make it more comfortable to work outside and we are supposed to get some rain for the next two days.  The picture below shows the results of cleaning and roto-tilling the plot.  

Then, Sue and I went to Pettiti's Nursery in Tallmadge and got our flowers and vegetables for this season.  They always have a good selection and, as it turned out, the tomato plants and some of the flowers we wanted had their prices reduced 50%.

We got three hanging baskets, two for the backyard, by the deck and one for the front.  Sue got four small plants for a plant stand that she puts on the deck and a kind of vining, Black-Eyed Susan that should be climbing everywhere soon.  There is also a nice, large pot with a variety of flowers that we place on the front step.

We used to buy other annuals, but over the years, these have been replaced by perrenials like coreopsis, hasta, daylilies, hibiscus, climatis, hydrangia, roses and , of course, mums for the Fall.  We also have a nice bed of wildflowers that came from seeds that we brought back from Texas years ago.

As for the garden, we have 6 Big Beef tomato plants and 6 Big Boy tomato plants.  These are supposed to supply the makings for a couple of batches of soup later this year.

I also planted 2 red pepper plants (mild ) and 2 plants that produce slightly hotter peppers.

By about 7:30 tonight, the garden looked like this.

Now, it's a matter of tender-loving care and sunshine.

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