Monday, June 11, 2012

Some Things From My Mom's House

On Saturday, Sue and I went to Malvern.  My brother Jim has done a great job of finding good homes for most of the furniture and other stuff from my Mom's house.  We had a few items that we wanted to bring home and as often happens, we brought back a bit more than we had planned on.  It's good to have some things that will remind us of Mom.  On our way out of town, we stopped at the St. Francis Xavier cemetery and visited Mom's grave and then drove by the house.

(As always, you can click once on any picture to enlarge it)

We bought this folding table for Mom and she used it to keep things handy next to her favorite chair while she watched TV.

This is one of several rocking chairs.  I believe this one was in her bedroom.

Here is one of the school desks from the original Malvern School.  The building was long ago torn down, but this is where both Jim and I started our academic careers.

An assortment of china and glass items.

Some sand dollars that Mom collected on a Florida trip that she took with some of her "girlfriends".

If anyone is interested in a full-sized church pew from St. Francis Xavier, contact my brother.

On a completely different subject, Sue and I saw a couple of hot air balloons while we we out running some errands.  She wondered if they might follow us home.  Well, they did.

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