Saturday, January 28, 2012

Memories From College Days

Here is a picture of "The Measles", a band that was very popular during the mid-1960's in Kent. This picture was taken at a bar called the 5th Quarter, which no longer exists. That time period was also when Sue and I first met. We probably danced to this band's music.

Historical Note: You can't see him in this picture, but Joe Walsh played with this band. He is not visible here, but Rich Underwood, the guy in the middle, says he was there. He went on to play with another band called The Eagles.


Kris Becknell said...

Check out the drummer in the front! That is the way it should be :) :)


a said...

saw the Measles early 1966 at the Canton Memorial auditorium opening for Paul Revere and the Raiders. They were exceptionally good for a local band, Walsh was unknown but the band had a big following in Kent