Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Another Beach Visit and Hornets Rule

Yesterday we drove over to Sanibel Island. We mostly drove around to get a better feel for the area. We had not been to the island before and it is one of our planned destinations when Kris is here. Even though it was Super Fat Tuesday, we had a sensible lunch at The Lighthouse Cafe. We bought some island duds at a shop next door(cap for me, t-shirt for Sue). Since we had to pass the grocery store on the way home, we stopped and stocked up for the weekend. Overall, we learned quite a bit about the local geography.

The pictures were taken at Senior Night after Malvern beat Strasburg, 76-45. That runs their record to 19-0, with one more game next Saturday. Nephew Trevor lead all scorers with 25 points, including 4 "3's". At 6'5", you can see where Trevor got his height.(hint: not from Grandma)

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