Thursday, April 17, 2008

Old Historic Savannah

As planned, today we took a trolley trip around the beautiful "old" section of downtown Savannah. There were sixteen designated stops and you could get off and on the trolley according to your own schedule. A trolley came by each stop every 20 minutes from 9:00 to 4:30. It was a good way to see the area without walking too much. We were there from about 1:00 until 4:00 and we saw some spots that we may go back a take a closer look at on our own. We saw Paula Deen's restaurant. They were all booked for lunch and, as the picture shows, people were still standing in line. I guess if somebody died or got sick, it would open up a chair. Geez! We found another nice place called Belfords, and had lunch outside on the patio.

This section of the city is divided into over 20 squares and each one is named for some famous person or persons. It lends itself to some really nice parks and landscaping, and makes it easier to visualize the city's past. We found out that the squares were numbered in the early years and, if there was a fire, they would use a huge bell to ring the number of the square so that people could go and help to fight the fire. I would think that could be bad for fires in the higher numbered squares, because people might lose count.

We also saw the church steeple from which the feather floated down to Forrest Gump in the movie of the same name, and the bench on which he delivered the "Life is like a box of chocolates" line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super Cool!!! I am so jealous! It is probably a good thing that you did not go to Paula Deen's restaurant...she uses A LOT of butter...not very healthy.

Glad you are having a good time in Savannah.
