Monday, April 14, 2008

So Long Caloosahatchie

Well, tomorrow morning (Tuesday) we begin our gradual journey back to Ohio. We worked today at getting most of the outside materials like lights, rugs, chairs etc. all packed away. The tow dolly with car attached is hooked up and ready to hit the road. After breakfast, we will do the few last minute, inside things and then probably take showers before unhooking the water and sewer lines. It's always good to start a journey with that clean feeling. Check out time is 11:00 and I don't see us leaving much before that. We are only looking at a little over three hours of driving to get to the WalMart near Titusville and there is no reason to get there early.

It has been a good winter here in Florida. We met some good people and enjoyed having family visits from Kris, Howard, Mike and Kim. It's also nice to know that we will be coming back to the same place next winter. That will be a first for us.

Sue and I are both looking forward to seeing new sights in Savannah and Charleston and, as always, Wickett will enjoy having new places FOR HIM TO POOP ON!!

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