Saturday, May 10, 2008

Settling In

After almost one week at home, we are beginning to get things sorted out. We did a good job of getting stuff moved from the motorhome to the house during the middle of last week. I still have some sorting to do, especially the music stuff that I took to Florida. Right now it's just kind of randomly scattered around the basement.

We visited my mom on Thursday. She is still rehabbing from her broken hip at a nursing home in Minerva. We don't know how long she will be there, but I would guess it will be at least the rest of this month. She was pretty upbeat, all things considered. My brother, Jim, stopped by while we were there. He told us that his son, Trevor, has been accepted at Marietta College and will play basketball there. They play some schools from northeastern Ohio, so maybe we can see him play before we go back to Florida.

On Friday, we visited my aunt Esther. She has been in a nursing home for a couple of years now. Because of knee and leg problems, she spends most of her time in a wheelchair. We had a nice talk with her. She seems in really good health overall. She had her 88th birthday in January. Wickett went along on this visit, as he usually does. Esther and many of the other residents and workers make a big fuss over him, and he loves every minute of it.

It was great to get back to barbershop rehearsal last Tuesday. The quartet that I sing with is preparing for a performance as part of the end of the year musical program at Our Lady of the Elms, a private girls' school in Akron. It is on May 21st. We will sing two songs with their chorus and then do two more by ourselves. These shows are always fun because we get to hear some really talented young singers.

Sue has been doing laundry today, but we will have to take the clothes to a laundromat to dry them because our dryer quit working just before we left home in January. It runs but doesn't heat. We have had this problem a couple of times before and it was just a part that needed to be replaced. I checked the "usual suspects" and they were all ok, so I dug a little deeper. The heat control didn't check out with the ohmmeter, so I'll get a new one and see if that fixes the problem.

The weather prediction here for the next seven days is: highs in the low 60's and lows in the 40's. Maybe we'll wait until mid-June to come home in the future. Seriously, it's good to be home. We are looking forward to planting flowers and veggies. I have a few house/garden projects in mind and I want to try to resurrect my golf game from 30 years ago. That should be interesting.

Our "economic stimulus" check showed up in our account yesterday. Sue wants to use it to buy lottery tickets, but I'm holding out for a backyard bocce court.

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