Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We're Home!!

After a wonderful weekend with family and friends at the wedding of Andrew and Kim Moomy (a post with pictures will follow soon), we drove home yesterday. The original plan was to leave Cary, NC, drive part way, stay overnight in a Super WalMart parking lot. and then go the rest of the way home today. When we left Cary, about 10:30, we decided to see how far we would go before we got tired. Well, we didn't get tired, so we just kept driving. 541 miles later, we were home.

With stops for gas, lunch and to let Wickett water and fertilize the local flora, we still made good time. We even found, accidentally, an RV dump station at a rest area, just before we crossed into Ohio. That allowed us to empty all the tanks and rinse them out well. We arrived in Kent at 10:30, unloaded the car in one of the local shopping center parking lots (easier than in our circle) and then went home. Today we will be transferring stuff from bus to house and reading the month's worth of mail that the Post Office has been holding for us since we left Florida.

I am going to mow the lawn this afternoon, and I should be able to go to barbershop chorus practice tonight.


Mike said...

Welcome home! That was a pretty long haul for one day. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to Ohio...it's the heart of it all, ya know!
