Sunday, June 1, 2008

Congratulations Trevor!!

Yesterday, we went to the clubhouse at wonderful, carefree Lake Mohawk, on the outskirts of Malvern, OH. We were there to celebrate my brother's son Trevor's graduation from high school. The ceremony is actually today but we partied early. Jim and Cheryl (parents of Trevor) threw quite a bash. There were many friends and relatives, lots of sunshine and enough food to feed the whole town.

Trevor will be attending Marietta College in the fall and will be playing basketball there. The picture above shows that, even at 6'6", Trevor doesn't tower over dad, mom or sister, Alyssa. Tall family. Incidentally, Alyssa is just finishing her third year at Ohio University.

My mom was able to attend the party. Sue and I dropped by her house and took her to the lake. She had been rehabbing her repaired, broken hip at a nursing home, but was released to go home for good at 8:00 that morning. Good timing. She is glad to be home and is getting around with the help of a walker. Considering the extent of her operation, I think that her progress is amazing. The operation was a little more than a month ago. Mike and Kim came to the party as well , so it was a nice chance for them to see mom too.

The festivities ended a little after 5:00 pm. We drove mom back home and visited with her a while. Then Sue and I took off for Canton, to attend the annual "Cabaret" of the Hall of Fame barbershop chorus at 8:00. It was a great show. The chorus sang lots of songs and they had four guest quartets, one of which was a female quartet, "Cascade", from the Sweet Adelines. There was free pop and beer, chips, popcorn and pretzels. Also, people brought food to share. There were over 30 of us from the Akron chapter in attendance. Fun, fun, fun!! It was about 11:15 when we got home. Since Mike and Kim didn't go to the show in Canton, they drove by our house when they left Malvern, to let Wickett roam around the backyard a bit and "take care of business." He was still glad to see us when we got home. It was a nice afternoon and evening. Today, we are taking it easy.

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