Monday, March 23, 2009

Bracket Update

This will be the last basketball post, at least until Thursday.

The current standings in my little self-defined part of the ESPN Bracket Challenge are as follows:

Bill Halter, retiree and traveler
Dwyane Wade, NBA player, Miami Heat
Mike Halter, wannabe lounge singer 510
Barack Obama, POTUS 470
Samuel L. Jackson, actor,


Mike said...

Mike Halter, wannabe lounge singer: 510

Nice work, Dad. You must have most if not all of your Sweet Sixteen teams correct.

Bill said...

I'm only missing Wake Forest. Thanks a bunch, CSU!! Purdue over UConn is my stretch in the next round. Go Boilers!!!

Mike said...

Believe it or not, I have Arizona in the Sweet Sixteen and had CSU beating Wake Forest. The Force is strong in Gary Waters. I have two Sweet Sizteen misses: Illinois and Utah State.

Anonymous said...

Go CSU!! That's my "alma mater"...sure...whatever.
