Thursday, April 23, 2009


Wickett and I have declared war on moles. There was some evidence of the little critters over the past two summers, but this year it appears to have moved to a new level. We don't have a definite plan of action yet, but we're working on it. We shouldn't have any trouble catching them because they are not very fleet of foot. You know the old saying, "Slow as mole asses....."


Anonymous said...

Two GROSS ways to get rid of moles:

Cats are one of the moles’ natural enemies. If you pour used cat litter into mole runs and hills you may be able to convince them that they should move to another area.

Human hair is also a great mole repellent. Get some hair clippings from you local beauty shop or barber and sprinkle them into the molehills and runs. Moles dislike the scent of humans and they do not like the feel of the hair.

LIKE EWWWW!!!! I would rather have moles!


Bill said...

I was just at Fantastic Sams for a haircut earlier this week. I will go back and get some hair. That seems much less repulsive than the used cat litter. And since we don't have a cat, you might have to mail it to us from Cincinnati. No thanks.

Bill said...

Wickett thinks that we should trap them alive and dump them at 764 Admore.

Mike said...

No!!! You'll bring down our value on Zillow!