Thursday, December 24, 2009

KSU Time Capsule

I just read a story in today's paper that described plans to bury a time capsule on the KSU campus in 2010, the 100th anniversary of the college. There is some evidence, according to this same article, that a capsule was planned back in 1960 also, when the school was only 50 years old. But no one has found evidence of the actual burial. I wonder what may have happened? Hmmm..

(Sometime in 1969, the KSU time capsule committee (2 faculty members, 10
students) holds its annual meeting at The Loft)

"Dudes, what happenin'?" (Call meeting to order) "It's been a whole year, so has anyone remembered what we did with that backpack with all the historical s--t in it?"

"Man, how can we remember back to 1960." "That was 9 years ago." "We were only freshmen then."

"Wasn't that backpack ripped up by that drug-sniffing dog?"

"No, that was the fringe vest that the band from JB's left behind when they skipped town."

"I thought that we gave the thing to that girl, Moonflower, so she could embroider flowers on it." "Then she flunked out and joined the Peace Corps or something."

"Well, we don't seem to have made much progress in locating the capsule since last year's meeting." "Let's give it another year." "Nobody on campus really seems to care anyway." "How much difference can one year make?" "So we'll meet here again in 1970."

"Peace, dudes." (meeting adjourned) "Pass the Twinkies."

1 comment:

ASLTerp said...

That conversation seems a little too authentic to have been merely a figment of your imagination...