Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm Global on FarmVille

Hi, my name is Bill and I'm a FarmVille addict.

At the suggestion of Kristin, I hooked up with a FarmVille forum called Add-Me. It makes your profile available to other people in the forum. They can then become your Facebook friends and FarmVille neighbors. I have five new neighbors already from places like Stockholm, Sweden and Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Many others should be rolling in soon, including one from India. My plan is expansion, but I'm waiting to see how many neighbors I get.

Today is the big Canada Day dinner down at the rec center here at IBE. Our neighbors across the street are from Quebec. They are going, but plan to sit at a picnic table outside. (I made that up, but it could happen.)

1 comment:

Kris Becknell said...

I suspected that you had done this...I saw "Bill Halter has become friends with Patek Patel-Srinivasan and 11 others" and thought...I bet this is Farmville related. Good Job Dad!! I think I need to do it again...I only got 6 takers last time and still didn't get my 30 neighbors...Mark did.
