Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Facebook Is Bad For My Blog

As you may have noticed, my last post here was in March while we were still in Florida. Blame FarmVille and Restaurant City mostly, plus RV trips and general slothfulness. I am going to try to get back in the habit of posting on a regular basis.

Last Saturday, The Akron Derbytown Chorus of barbershop singers sang the National Anthem before the Indians-Tigers baseball game at Progressive Field in Cleveland. This is the third year in a row that we have done this. Mike and I are both members of this chorus.

It was cold, windy and sometimes rainy. We got the singing in ok and stayed through the fourth inning. Then Kim, Mike, Sue and myself went to Quaker Steak and Lube in Valley View for some lunch and watched the game on TV. It was much warmer there.

Here is a video that Sue took despite the wind and other nasty conditions. She's a trooper.
With all due modesty, I think that we sound dang good.

How about another video. This is the chorus warming up (both our voices and the rest of our bodies) before we went onto the field.

1 comment:

Kris Becknell said...

Wow! That did sound good. And I like the filming at the end of "Take me out to the Ballgame" where it pans to the tractor right at the end. Very poignant & brilliant film-making!!
