Monday, May 24, 2010

Just A Short Rant

There are two news stories that have been occupying our TV coverage lately. The oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and the debate over what LeBron James will do when he becomes a free agent.

The oil spill is, of course of national importance. The LeBron story seems to headed that way.

Here are my "brief" rants

(1) The oil spill should have never happened. Corners were cut and safeguards ignored that led to this mess. The government, that means both Republicans and Democrats, need to improve oversight that would not allow profit to push safety and concerns for the environment aside. Remember, people died on that oil rig. If you want to dig a little, do some searching about the closed-door meetings between Dick Cheney and guys from Halliburton during the previous administration in Washington. I heard Sarah Palin on TV yesterday suggesting that this situation would have been handled better if Republicans had been in charge. Is she aware of the Katrina fiasco? Well, of course not. She only reads what is written on her hand.

(2) LeBron won't be a free agent for over a month from now. The TV news will beat this to death until then and it will be like trying to endure political ads and praying that election day comes soon. For a 25 year-old whose every move is under scrutiny, he seems to be handling it all well. No indication of drugs, concealed weapons, bar fights, etc. I hadn't paid much attention to NBA basketball since the Cavs moved to downtown Cleveland. I began to follow the team a little when they won the right to draft LeBron and then became more of a fan when Dan Gilbert started bringing in some better players. But, LeBron James will play next year with the team of his choice. If that's not in Cleveland, then the sun will still rise and life will go on. Wouldn't it be nice if the general population of NE Ohio was as passionate about The Cleveland Clinic as they are about a basketball player. Believe it or not, The Clinic has an even better world-wide reputation than does Mr. James.

End of rant. I feel better. I think that I'll watch PBS tonight from 6:00-7:00.

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