Friday, August 20, 2010

Relatives from France?

Here are some photographs that were posted on FB by my new FB friend Jean Claude Halter, who lives in the same Alsace-Lorraine area that my Halter ancestors left when they came to the U.S. in the 1830's. They were German, but today that region is French. Jean Claude has made a couple of FB comments in German, however most of his posts are in French. Thank goodness for the online translator. The two young men are Brice and Johan. I know that Brice's last name is Halter, but I'm not sure about Johan. It appears that at least some of the French Halters are still in the farming business.

The young man facing forward below is Brice and the one looking back is Johan.

1 comment:

Kris Becknell said...

I always pictured Alsace as mountainous...but this looks like Kansas!

Very cool though that you are FB friends with our distant relatives...I love FB.
