Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What ever happened to those other two days?

My coloring project showing The Twelve Days Of Christmas got sidetracked by other Christmas activities and the major job of mucking through the snow to pack the motorhome for our trip to Florida. To the many people who were following my work through the first ten days and were eagerly awaiting days 11 and 12, I offer my sincere apology. I hope that your holiday was not dampened too greatly by my shortcomings. I'll try again next year. LOL

Here is a cartoon that was shared with me by Bonnie Cooper, who works for Gulfstream Coach, the company that made our motorhome. I thought that my lovely daughter, in particular, might enjoy it.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Our task of getting all the necessary items loaded into the motorhome continues. But we took time out to make some Christmas cookies. Sue made snickerdoodles and I made the red and green sugar cookies. Tomorrow, we may make a few more.

Here is day 10 of the 12 day countdown.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Past

Here is a link to some old-time Christmas catalogs that may bring back memories for some of us and be a history lesson for the younger folk. Just click on the link that is in the Hot Links section at the top of the right-hand column of this blog. Note: The pages may be bigger than will fit on the screen, so use the up-down and left-right arrows to move to the part of the page that you want to look at.

And here are the next two in the 12 days of Christmas coloring project. I missed yesterday because we went to v
isit my Mom. I've got my priorities straight!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

One more day closer to Christmas

We are working at the process of packing the motorhome for the trip south. I wish that the weather would get a little milder, but the forecast doesn't sound too promising. This little swan seems to be having fun in the water at some warmer location. I am jealous.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Catchin' Up

I was away from the computer a lot yesterday, so I didn't post the 5th day of Christmas picture. So today, I'll include both day 5 and day 6 (plus a song by Joe Diffie).

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Is A' Comin'-Day 4

Here are Bing Crosby and David Bowie to set the mood for the Holiday season.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just a little more snow.

Yes, we got more snow today, but compared to the past couple of days, this was much more manageable. I would guess that the cars had 3 inches of snow on them when I cleaned them off today. Tomorrow and Friday are not supposed to be snowy at all, and that is good news. Maybe with some sun, we can reduce the size of the snow mounds. In a little more than a week, we have to get the motorhome out of the driveway. I'd just as soon not have to shovel it out.

And in conclusion,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Continued Snow Report

We thought that the snow accumulation yesterday was enough to last for a while. Then we got up this morning and saw that another 7 inches or more of the white stuff had fallen since midnight. The car was clear of snow at noon yesterday and the picture below shows what it looked like this morning.

The City of Kent sent a small snowplow to finally plow our circle today at about noon. They did not clear the circle yesterday at all. I can understand that it was not a priority. We didn't have to go anywhere, so we could just wait it out. The driveway was a mess again. I shoveled it enough that we could get the car out if we wanted to. Here is a view of the end result. That's my "snow blower" leaning against the back of the car. I inherited it from my Dad. It's probably older than either Mike or Kris.

I posted a picture of the snow covered Adirondack chair yesterday. Here is what it looks like today.

To wrap up, here is the latest installment in "The 12 Days of Christmas". I should get through the next 10, if the crayons hold out.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Here We Go Again

Well, the warmer weather that came at the end of last week had succeeded in clearing the roads and sidewalks of snow. We also lost the last three giant icicle growths that were clinging to the roof edge at the back of our house. So now, we get dumped on again. The snow that you see in the pictures arrived mostly in the last 24 hours. I estimate that we have close to a foot of the white stuff. The weather forecast says that some areas may get another foot by this time tomorrow. Enough already. If this is intended to give us a reminder of why we go south in the winter,

We Get The Point!!

The driveway is shoveled, the car is uncovered, I've finished the library book that I have been reading, and there are no good sports shows on TV at this time. So I guess it's time to break out the crayons and create some holiday decorations.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Alison Balsom

For the record, I am a happily married man, and have been for more than 40 years. That having been said, the spirit of the high school trumpet player that lives in me thinks that this woman is hot, both musically and otherwise.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Why Shih-Tzus Don't Do Well As Sled Dogs.

Here is our 14 year old Shih-Tzu, Wickett, making his way through last night's snowfall.