Sunday, February 24, 2008

Temperatures drop into the 70's

Bring in your pets and potted plants, we're in for a cold snap. I couldn't resist. After a string of days with highs in the mid 80's and lows barely dropping out of the 70's, the forecast this week is for cooler weather. Somehow we'll make it through.

We have been catching up on "around the house" activities. Sue has been doing some cleaning and I have started learning some new quartet songs that we want to add to our
repertoire when I get back to Ohio. I am also starting to work on income tax returns. Not that we have forgotten how to relax. We still have time for reading, some TV and a nap once in a while.

Yesterday we went next door for afternoon drinks and snacks with our neighbors Lee and Marie. We got to know two other couples from our "neighborhood", the Hershmans from Michigan and the Martins from Ontario. It was a nice party. The Martins have one of those custom Prevost coaches. They have had it for 20 years and it has been in every state but Hawaii. Since they drove it to Alaska, I wouldn't be surprised if it had been in all or most of the Canadian provinces too.

The park musical contingent, that I have become part of, is continuing to work on songs for our performance in March. The activities really make the time go by quickly. It's amazing that March is almost here.

Speaking of basketball:

The mighty Malvern Hornets continue to win their way through the tournament (22-0). Now on to the Districts to play Frontier Local on Tuesday night.

Kent State traveled to California and beat 20th ranked St. Marys on their own court

The Cavaliers made a gigantic trade, bringing in four new players, two of whom have Halter Family ties. Wally Szczerbiak played at Miami of Ohio when Kris was there and Ben Wallace played on the team at Tri-C where Mike works (and Sue and myself used to work).

All this excitement and then the Indians start playing spring training games on Thursday.


1 comment:

Dave said...

Sue and Bill,

I don't feel sorry for you at all!!!. Its 34 and snowing here tonight.
