Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hairy Subject

So the NFL is considering a proposal to ban long hair. I hear that it has been tabled until next month. In case any of you youngsters think that big hair in sports in a new thing, I have posted a picture of Oscar Gamble, Cleveland Indians player from the 70's. Remember, he had to wear a cap and batting helmet with that 'fro. And to be fair to all sports, check out Darnell Hillman from the old ABA. Also, this not a racial issue as shown by former OSU and current Jets player, Nick Mangold.


Mike said...

Will players need to have their hair measured before the game? Or will coaches be allowed to throw a colored flag once a game to have the refs stop play and measure an opponent's hair and disqualify them if it's too long?

Bill said...

They might say that the hair can't obscure any of the players name on his uniform. It would only be a matter of time before some guy put his name on his buttockal area.