Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's Only Flat On The Bottom

Well, our day of chilling at the park went well. I finished the book that I had been reading and I paid a visit to each of the two lakes in search of fish. No luck on the search. The locals tell me that the fish are "nesting" at this time of year and they are not as eager to chase food. Also, I was using artificial bait, so the attraction was probably not that great. I am going back in the next couple of days and try some pieces of hot dogs as bait. That way, if the fish don't eat the bait, I can. It's a win-win situation.

Although the day went well, the evening was not quite as smooth. We started out to find some pizza and then go grocery shopping. But the best laid plans of Bill and Sue sometimes go astray. After we filled up with overpriced gas and got a cheap car wa
sh, we started looking for a pizza place. As we drove, a noise came from under the car and I noticed a definite pull to the right on the steering wheel. You guessed it. FLAT TIRE
Luckily, there was a handy parking lot of a defunct business that we could pull into and not be in anyone's way. We still had a bicycle, satellite dish, golf clubs, lawn chairs, etc. in the back of the car, so getting to the spare and the jack took a bit of work. Then, with the crummy little lug wrench that came with the car, I could only get three of the four lug nuts loose. I am going to have to start carrying the good X lug wrench from the bus with us in the car. Well, we decided that, since we have been paying AAA dues since 1972, we might as well let them give some back. They got there in about 30 minutes and we were back on the road. We grabbed some BK food and went home.

Today, we went over to the nearby Super WalMart and got a whole new set of tires. They did the job in the time it took us to shop for groceries. Talk about multitasking. The old tires were the original tires from 2003 and the back tires had about 15,000 miles more than the front ones because of towing the car all over the country. We bought Goodyear American Eagles, which I'm sure they shipped here from Akron, just for us. The bad tire had a hole punched right in the middle of the tread, just like it had taken a bullet.

Once we were safely mobile again, we did a little driving around to check out some shopping areas and locations of movie theaters for activities later in the week. And we finally got our pizza too.

Tomorrow, we are headed for the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum. It is very close to us and some of our friends in Florida recommended it. Check future blog posts for more information on this visit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor little car! Oh well, it was probably due for tires anyway and at least you have AAA!!!
