Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Birthday, Wickett

Wickett Halter is having a birthday today. It is the big 12! He is one of the oldest puppies that I know.

He is holding up very well, especially considering his itinerant lifestyle. During the last four years, The Wickster has traveled over 20,000 miles and visited 18 states. This extensive travel is part of his job as second assistant co-pilot and last resort emergency pilot of the family motorhome. Most of his tasks involve sleeping while I drive the bus. He does it well and maybe that is part of the reason for his good health. I try to follow his example as much as I can. Happy birthday, little guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Wickett gets a full color blog peppered with glowing compliments for his birthday and I get an afterthought shared sentence on a post with grandpa and a manatee for my birthday. Nice...I see where I rank in this family...
