Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Braggin' 'Bout My Town

Living in a small town that is next to a large university was not my goal in life, but I am very happy to have lived in such a place, Kent, OH, for the past 21 years. For at least nine months out of the year, we have a high percentage of "under 25" residents. I think that helps keep the rest of us young, or remind us why we're glad we grew up. Either one is good for the soul.

The Cuyahoga River runs through the center of town. The quality of the water in the Cuyahoga has improved greatly over the past 40 years and Kent has done it's part. The pictures show the results of the dam reconstruction project that was completed a few years ago. It preserves the basic dam structure that has been a landmark in Kent since 1836, but also allows for free flow of the river. Canoe and kayak enthusiasts are no longer prevented from traveling through Kent, as they once were. The fish population is growing rapidly too as the water quality gets better. I enjoy spending a couple of hours of "catch and release" fishing right in the pool below the dam. It is usually a good spot for fishing and if they're not biting, the scenery is great. Notice that the water doesn't flow over the dam in the usual way. There are large pipes that carry the water to the top part of the dam and let it flow over. Valves can be closed to stop the flow. You still get the picturesque dam but without the roadblock. The city, state and the EPA all played a big part in the design and construction. Nice work!


Anonymous said...

Kent is nice...there are a lot of quirky cool things to do and see. Good choice for growing up...lots of activities associated with the college. And besides, if we had stayed in Streetsboro, I probably would have had an illegitamite baby and lived in a trailer...maybe.


ASLTerp said...

Nice pictures of the dam reconstruction. Mike and I drove down that way today, we went to BW3 for lunch. I notice you didn't get a picture of the other side of the river, by the railroad tracks, with all the graffiti. :o)