Thursday, June 12, 2008

On To Apple Corps

I am leaving this afternoon at 2:00 for Gambier, Ohio and the campus of Kenyon College. It is the annual weekend of barbershop instruction known as Apple Corps. Friday and Saturday, I will be attending classes related to barbershop and singing in general. There are 12 guys from our chapter that are attending this year. My quartet, Clear Choice is going and also Mike's quartet, The Summit Chordsmen. The other four men are just going as "lone singers". This my first year, but the others tell me that, since Kenyon is one of the most expensive colleges in the country, the facilities and food are very good. I know that there will be a lot of singing going on.

In case you are curious about the "Apple Corps" name (or even if your not), our barbershop district is the Johnny Appleseed District (JAD). Since they sponsor the workshop, they chose an apple-related name. Our magazine is called The Cider Press. No one ever said that barbershoppers weren't corny.

I'm not taking my laptop with me, so there may not be any posts about the weekend until I get home on Sunday. I know that Kenyon will have computer access, but I may be too busy to take advantage of it.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I know you're already on your way down by now, but see you tonight!