Saturday, July 26, 2008

Haikai Update

For the past few days, Kris, Matt and myself have been experimenting with a form of collaborative poetry called Haikai. You can check my post from 7/23 to get more details. Here's what we have so far. I just added the last two verses and a title. We could call this a finished product or continue. I'm ok with either option.

July Weekend

Summer sun and rain alternate
A pleasant sort of conflict
I doze

Awakening me from slumber
The sun, victorious

My thoughts grow wild
nourished by the heat
wary of a stray cloud

Ideas are abundant
Almost none relate to work

Warm glow of evening
work a distant memory
fresh lemonade smile

Natural calm; the future gleams
like a distant sunset pond

A dog barks, birds chirp
Nature softly plays
her relaxation tape

Sad is not an option
Monday is only a rumor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Monday is not a rumor...unless you are retired :(
