Thursday, August 7, 2008

Time For Middle Bass Island

Tomorrow, at the unheard hour of 8:00 AM, I will meet up with my quartet buddies and begin the roughly 2 hr. journey to Port Clinton, Ohio. There will be breakfast along the way. We will catch the 11:15 ferry to Middle Bass Island to be part of the 61st annual Barbershop Weekend on Middle Bass and South Bass Island.

We went last year too and that was my first year to attend. Housing is provided by residents of the island, there is a "cook shack" where guys can make their own creations for breakfast and fry cheeseburgers, etc at all hours of the day, and of
course, a lot of singing happens.

Quartets (there are usually 20 or more) sing two songs each at the Perry Monument on South Bass at 7:00 PM Friday. We all sing again at 7:00 PM Saturday in the Town Hall on Middle Bass Island. Many people come to the islands specifically to hear the singing so we have great audiences both nights. At 8:15 AM Sunday morning, we will catch the ferry back to the mainland and then head home.

Sue's dad is coming down to our house in Kent to visit and staying over until Monday. I should be home about noon on Sunday. I am not taking the computer with me but I am taking the camera. Hopefully, I will have some pictures of the festivities to post early next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a great time, Dad!

I think maybe I will come up next weekend so that I can visit with both of you.
