Monday, January 11, 2010

Meeting and Eating With Our Fellow Buckeyes

Yesterday, we attended the Ohio Day dinner here at IBE. There were over 150 people in attendance. The chicken, soft drinks and coffee were provided and each couple brought a dish. As you can imagine, there was an abundance of food and it was all good. The party had a 50's theme as shown in these pictures.

We got to keep the 45's that were our table favors. Our records were "If You Love Me" and "The Man Upstairs" by Kay Starr and "Summertime" and "You Send Me" by Sam Cooke.


Kris Becknell said...

Wow...this was elaborate! This RV Park seems much more organized & "Buckeye Friendly" than last year's place. Very cool!


Mike said...

Not to be a nitpicker, but that poster of Elvis in the first picture looks like it's from his 1968 comeback TV special.

Okay, maybe I am a nitpicker.