Friday, May 30, 2008

Don't Blame Bush!

Scott McClellan's book has been in the headlines a lot lately. It certainly has resulted in fingers being pointed at our president. Personally, if the main topics in Mr. McClellan's book are news to you, I think that you have not been paying attention.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't blame him because enough people voted for him to get him elected (at least the second time). No, I look at it another way. If you blame Bush for the mess that our country is in, then you would also blame Bernie for all the things that happened in the movie, "Weekend at Bernie's". Dubya was never in charge. The decisions were made by those around him. Dead from the neck up is still dead when it comes to making decisions. We could have had an inflatable giraffe sitting in the oval office and the results would have been the same (minus the vocabulary and grammar blunders).


ASLTerp said...

Inflatable giraffe? What about a real giraffe? I would totally vote for one, if one were to run for office.

Mike said...

I anxiously await McClellan's next book, "Water is Wet". Thanks buddy, where were you six years ago? Oh, that's right...shoveling crap at the White House Press Room.

Matt said...

awesome post! I only get to check your blog every now and then, but I agree with asterp - I'd vote for a giraffe any day!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I hope Nick & Michael don't read this...they are both for some reason Republicans and probably would slag you for bringing down their hero...Bush that is...not the giraffe.
