Thursday, July 31, 2008

Monthly Gasoline Price Rant

Since this is the last day of July, I had to get this in under the wire. As you pump gas the next time, count how many seconds that it takes and then consider the following:

Exxon's 2nd quarter profits were a record 11.68 billion (11.97 billion if you don't factor in the Exxon Valdez oil spill settlement). That works out to $1485.55 per second in PROFIT! And that clock is tickin' 24/7.

End of rant.


Anonymous said...

Our gas prices are down to $3.48 in Cincinnati and somehow that seems "good"...our idea of "low" has changed...bastards!


Matt said...

preach on, brother bill!

(I read that in the news and was equally mad... You can't tell me there's not price fixing when ALL of the gas stations change prices at the same time and when the are ALL recording record profits...)

Bill said...

Everybody relax and watch some "Unknown Hinson" videos on YouTube. He is my latest hero and potential role model.

Mike said...

I just checked some of his videos out, and that guy can shred! And I totally wan't expecting it. And he also sings about womerns giving him lip. What more can you ask for?

Anonymous said...

Hey - If you and dad want to come down for the Unknown Hinson show at the Southgate House on August 15th let me know...and actually Mark and his friend Dusty are playing in the Southgate House "lounge" that night it will be a big event.

Come on down!!
