Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Time For The Fair

In case you missed it, the 2008 version of the Carroll County Fair opened yesterday in Carrollton, Ohio. It runs through next Sunday. Carrollton is the county seat of Carroll county (go figure). For some unknown reason, my dad occasionally referred to it as " the armpit of the world". I always thought it was a nice place.

I have not been to the fair for many, many years and we won't make it this year either. There are lots of good childhood memories for me that are associated with the fair. Back in the good old days, the fair was held at the end of the summer, when most of the harvesting was done on the farms. For that same reason, school didn't start until after Labor Day so all the kids could spend lots of time at the fair.

Maybe next year, we'll schedule a visit to the old fair. I'm sure that it has changed, but then, so have I.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I know how you feel. I keep saying I'm going to go watch the demolition derby at the Randolph Fair every year, but I never do.